Help From Hemp

Help From Hemp

Tori Douglas on Jun 16th 2021

Research into how hemp and its byproducts has grown by leaps and bounds in the past decade. CBD, one of the many products culled from the hemp plant is a cannabidiol. It has the benefits of hemp without the high many people assume comes from hemp or marijuana use. It does not obtain THC, which is the chemical responsible for feeling high.  These products can be delivered in a variety of ways such as edibles like gummies or tinctures, personal lubricants or oils applied to the skin. Here are a few other ways hemp can help, especially in the bedroom.

As stated, hemp research has come a long way, but much more research can and will be done. Recent studies are showing, however, a definite link between sexual health and the use of hemp products like CBD. One study even showed 75% of participants responded well to hemp treatment. They reported increased sex drive, better ability to reach orgasm and heightened pleasure.

For one, CBD is a powerful tool in reducing stress and anxiety. This can help us relax and enjoy the pleasure of sex, or perhaps even make us ready to try something new in the bedroom. Reducing stress is always good for our sexual appetite. Being relaxed and receptive to sex is the first step to sexual satisfaction. Stress and anxiety can be a factor for both erectile dysfunction and inability to reach orgasm. Being relaxed enough to enjoy sex is a great first step to a great sex life.

Hemp has also been seen in studies to help circulation. Good circulation is vital to sexual pleasure because blood flow to our genitals and other erogenous zones affects arousal and orgasm. Our genitals also have a wealth of cannabinoid receptors and the use of hemp products can deliver those cannabinoids to increase sensation, pleasure, and possibly even help us reach orgasm when used as a lubricant or massage oil. It can also help women produce more of their own natural lubrication. Lube and massage oils apply the CBD directly to these receptors, unlocking, for some, a deeper sensation and pleasure during sex.

Beyond the basic good effects to our sex lives with the use of hemp, our sexual health can be affected. Hemp products can be used to ease endometriosis, pelvic floor pain, and fibroids. These reproductive issues are painful and can halt our sex life due to this pain, so easing these symptoms with hemp can be a real boon to reclaiming sex after struggling with these issues. It can also soothe pain and inflammation some women experience during sex. Making the act of sex an enjoyable experience instead of an uncomfortable or even painful one can be a game changer.

As the uses for hemp products grow, so will research. The link between the science of hemp products and sexual health should only be explored deeper. Do a little of your own exploration on the subject by visiting your favorite adult store, Badd Kitty, for more information and to try out some CBD products for yourself or with your

Shop here for great CBD options from Badd Kitty!



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