Sex as Self Care

Sex as Self Care

Tori Douglas on Jun 4th 2019

We all seek out sexual pleasure at some point, some more than others. Our reasons are personal and varied. Allow me to add one more reason to seek out sexual release, either solo or with partners. Sex is great in the moment, but can also have even better lasting effects on your wellbeing. A satisfying sex life can benefit your physical, emotional, and mental health. Not that you need one more reason to get naked with that certain someone, but the benefits of sex on your daily health and attitude is just the cherry on top.

Most of us probably do not count our sexual lives as an extension of our health. If so, we more often than not only consider the effects of safe sex to avoid STI’s or pregnancy. Sex and overall health are tightly intertwined. Not only can our health affect our sex life, but our sex life greatly affects our health. Let’s dive in and learn how sex can boost our health and wellness.

Let’s start with the physical benefits. Frequent sex has been shown to raise levels of immunoglobulin A, which defends your body against germs and boosts immunity. Sex helps with pain and stress relief, and masturbation is recommended at the onset of migraine to avoid or lessen the headache. Sex prompts the body to release hormones to decrease and ease pain and stress, the same hormones that produce that afterglow of bliss. Sex elevates the heart rate, and burns calories to give the same benefit as cardiovascular exercise. Regular sex improves sleep and brain function. Spikes in testosterone associated with sex lower blood pressure. For men, frequent ejaculation has been linked to reduced rates of prostate cancer. In women, sex can help strengthen and maintain pelvic floor muscles and help with bladder control, especially after pregnancy. In general, for all sexes, studies have shown those who orgasm often simply live longer, and presumably more pleasantly, than those who do not.

Along with the above mentioned stress relief, a rich sex life can affect your mental and emotional health in other ways. In general, the hormones released during sex elevate mood and boost self esteem. These hormones are also responsible for the “afterglow”, mentioned above, many experience post coitius. Endorphins released during sex activate the pleasure centers of the brain, giving an increased feeling of happiness. Oxytocin helps create a bond between partners during and after sex. Not to be discounted is the feeling of being desired that can boost self esteem and mood.

One of the greatest benefits of sex is the more you have it, the more you want it. The many benefits of a rich and active sex life are a self perpetuating cycle. Safe and satisfying sexual habits can spill over into other aspects of health and wellness, physical, mental, and emotional. Do yourself a favor and seek sexual release and pleasure to get a head start on your health.

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Very Well Mind