We Hope Badd Kitty is Your Favorite Adult Store

We Hope Badd Kitty is Your Favorite Adult Store

Tori Douglas on Jul 29th 2021

We hope Badd Kitty is your favorite adult store for many reasons. One important reason is we feel that our stores are an important resource for society, along with most other adult stores out there in the world. We want to be your go-to access to information adults might need. Badd Kitty prides itself with being a center of education for our community and all of the people in it, regardless of sexual preference or proclivity. Being a source of sexual education for adults is the most important function of adult stores. The image of the seedy, back alley dirty book store is quickly fading from our cultural landscape, and with good reason. Now, you are more likely to see a bright and cheerful place, operated by friendly and knowledgeable staff, like a Badd Kitty store near you.

You may think about adult stores and education is the last thing that springs to mind. That is definitely changing with the times. Even the most basic, non-education leaning, adult store can be a resource. It can be as simple as being a place where you can learn about your own likes and dislikes, as well as those of your partner or partners, through toys, lubes, and porn. Not all stores have a slant toward education like Badd Kitty, but they all have a wide variety of products where adults can explore their sexuality either solo or with a partner or partners. Most will have a staff that at least knows the most popular items in different categories to help guide you in the right direction when it comes to various products or kinks to help you dip your toe in those varied waters.

When it comes to education, adult stores have been leaning more toward being a safe and welcoming place to learn about sexuality through knowledgeable staff, as well as seminars, workshops, open houses and even parties. There has even been a field trip by a private school in Minnesota for the middle and high school students to a local adult store as part of their sex education curriculum. That certainly shows the cultural shift from the old school adult store!

Adult stores are more and more becoming a valuable and valued resource in communities for expanding knowledge of sex and sexuality. They can also be a center of community for those in certain groups such as the LGBTQ+ community and those with certain kinks or sexual fetishes, which can be helpful for both education, a sense of belonging and normalcy they might be lacking on the outside. Adult stores often put themselves forward as centers for various Pride events throughout the year.

Badd Kitty is proud to be leading the charge for sexual education in our communities. We hope you all use and recommend us as a sexual education resource and we hope to see you in store or online with us time and time again to meet your needs.


Sex Ed Rescue

Planned Parenthood