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Product Description

One of our products designed for gay men and to enhance anal sex. Check out the combination of silicone lubricant and jojoba. The long-lasting lubricating properties of the silicone formula and the addition of natural jojoba extracts help relax the anal sphincter while making the skin noticeably soft and supple. Pjur BACK DOOR glide is CE-certified and is safe to use with condoms.


  • 5
    Best Booty Lube!

    Posted by Unknown on Jan 29th 2022

    This stuff is awesome! I got some while in a store and the lady told me this stuff would go and go and it does! It's a silicone lube so it doesn't absorb into the skin like a water based and it has a relaxing agent that is strong enough to relax the muscles in your back! Use it as a massage glide and a lube for some good prep and have an amazing time after!