Valentine's Day
Tori Douglas on Jan 11th 2025
Valentine's Day is a time of hearts and flowers, lingerie and chocolate, love and passion. Those things are fun, especially the lingerie from Badd Kitty, but there is more to it than cards and candy. The origins of Valentine's Day go back far into history. They are a little murky, but here is an overview of the most generally accepted histories of the origins of Valentine's day and how it became the holiday of love we know today.
Valentine's Day has its roots in the many Christian martyrs and Saints associated with the name Valentine. Two in particular, Valentine of Rome and Valentine of Terni were historically honored on February 14th. St Valentine of Slovenia is also honored on this day. He is the Patron Saint of beekeepers, pilgrims, and good health. A Saint Valentine was said to have secretly married soldiers to keep them from going off to war in ancient Rome. There is also a legend that a Saint Valentine was jailed by the Roman emperor and wrote to his jailer's daughter. He allegedly signed the letters from "your Valentine".
The link with Valentine's day and romantic love is a relatively modern association. Valentine's Day was more about the coming of spring. This is traditionally a time in many countries where the agricultural season begins with prepping seeds and fields. In ancient Rome, Lupercalia was celebrated from February 13th to February 15th in the names of Pan and Juno or in some traditions Faunus. Although Pan and Juno were the gods of love and marriage, Lupercalia was more a rite of health and purification. Its connection to fertility was only insofar as fertility as a facet of good health. Lupercalia was replaced by the feast of Saint Valentine as Christianity took over the region and pagan rites were routinely replaced by Christian holidays and feast days. Pope Gelasius I is thought to be responsible for outlawing Lupercalia. It is also thought the nearby Feast of Candlemas on February 2nd was a replacement for the Lupercalia.
Cupid is often associated with Valentine's Day. Depicted in the modern day as a chubby cherub with a bow and arrow, he originated from the god Eros, god of love. The very word erotic comes from his name. The bow and arrows come from him, as he was said to fire golden arrows for love and lead arrows to spread hate.
In the modern day Valentine's Day is associated with romantic love. The tradition of cards, candy, flowers and the like originated in the United Kingdom in the 19th century. These customs then spread to other countries as time went on until the modern day. Now, many countries around the world celebrate Valentine's Day with gifts, special meals, and general expressions of love and appreciation.
No matter the history of Valentine's Day, it is now a time for lovers. So grab your partner and celebrate your love, or celebrate your love for yourself! Let Badd Kitty help with your Valentine's Day gift needs. From lube to lingerie, we have what you need to celebrate this day of love and passion.