Spice Things Up...Literally

Spice Things Up...Literally

Tori Douglas on May 6th 2021

Here at the Badd Kitty blog we have discussed various foods that can help your sexual appetite in our postA Sexy Little Snack . Did you know that you can literally spice things up in the kitchen in order to spice things up in the bedroom? Here are some herbs and spices that you can use in your cooking to help your sex life be finger licking good.


For some reason, vanilla has been relegated to mean boring in sexual terms. However, vanilla has long been used as an aphrodisiac. In ancient Mexico it was considered to induce love. Many decadent desserts include vanilla, making them luscious and rich.


Saffron has long had a root in reality for these flower stamens to improve your sex life. It has anti-inflammatory properties as well as being an antidepressant. A small study has shown it can help with vaginal lubrication as well.


Another spice to help your blood flow is cloves. Cloves have also been known to raise testosterone levels which can increase sex drive in men and women, making it a spice to spice things up. At Badd Kitty, we also sell an anal lubricant featuring cloves, as a desensitizer. Here it is!


Often found in curries, fenugreek can improve blood flow and vaginal lubrication. Fenugreek seeds are easy to sprout if you want to try a few microgreens in your diet to get the blood flowing.


Ginger is well known as an aphrodisiac. Known from the Kama Sutra as a warming herb, it improves circulation, as many mentioned here do. Many Eastern cultures put stock in the stimulating root.


Fennel is one for the ladies. It contains estrogen, which can help boost libido in women. It can also ease the symptoms of menopause.


Although not great for your breath, garlic is great for your circulation and that always helps to get the blood pumping for great sex. Just keep some mints handy as well.


Now we are getting really spicy! Get the blood flowing to all the right places with this spicy pepper. Capsaicin has been shown to boost circulation and metabolism. Eating cayenne is good for your heart and circulation in general.


Cinnamon has been used for men to treat erectile dysfunction and in women to regulate periods. Cinnamon oil has also been used as a warming oil for sexual purposes. Cinnamon can also be found in a few lubricants, to add the warming sensation to the glide!


Not just a garnish, parsley is said to be an aphrodisiac and blood strengthener. It is known to be rich in antioxidants.


This spice is used to relieve fatigue, letting you and your partner last all through the night. The increase in energy could be just the thing to boost your sex drive.


In India, the humble nutmeg is thought to be a natural stimulant, similar to Viagra! Be careful, however, to stay away from large doses. It can be hallucinogenic or even poisonous. Stick to traditional recipes, like great fall desserts or nutmeg teas.

Next time you are cooking for your partner, spice up more than just a meal with these culinary secret weapons. You could satisfy more than one appetite.

Mind Body Green

