Check Yourself

Check Yourself

Tori Douglas on Feb 22nd 2024

It is a good thing to know yourself. One thing you should know is if you have healthy breasts or testicles. Self exams should be done regularly to keep your sexual health in check. Many issues can be caught early if you are familiar with your body. Regular checks can ensure you are happy and healthy with your sexual health.

To examine your breasts is more than just checking for lumps, although that is a great place to start. When you shower, check for changes in the breast tissue. With wet, soapy hands feel on and around your breasts, including your armpits and up near your collarbone, for any lumps, swelling, or thickening. Next, still with soapy hands, raise one arm behind your head to spread out the breast tissue. Spread out the fingers from the other hand flat to press gently into the breast. Follow an up-and-down pattern, moving from under the breasts to your collarbone. Continue the pattern until you have covered the entire breast. Repeat on the other breast. You can also have a partner check you.

You should also visually inspect your breasts. Look at them naked in the mirror often. Look head on, raise your arms, and look from each side. Bend over and let your breasts hang down. Do you notice any changes? One breast will likely be bigger or smaller, this is normal. Do this often so you will notice any changes. Checking often will give you a baseline, so you will notice even subtle variations as they occur. Again, you should have your partner look as well so they might notice changes. Look at your nipples to check for sores, flaky skin, or discharge. Squeeze your nipples to check for both discharge and tenderness.

If you find any changes, let your health care provider know. You could be catching any number of issues early, including breast cancer. Many things you may notice may be benign, but it is best to get checked out. Better safe than sorry.

To examine testicles, hold the penis out of the way and look at the scrotum. Look for swelling or discoloration. Next, examine each testicle by putting two fingers under one testicle and the thumb on top. Roll the testicle between your fingers and thumb to check for tenderness, lumps, or thickening. Repeat with the other testicle. This can be done often so you get to know yourself. You will be able to see or feel changes in your scrotum and testicles. Report these changes to your health care provider. The odds of testicular cancer are low, but you may find swelling or a cyst that you should consult with your doctor about. You should always be proactive with your health.

Self care through self examination is important to both your sexual health and your overall health. Taking the time, alone or with a partner, to check yourself is an invaluable way to keep your health a priority.

Web MD

Mayo Clinic

Medline Plus