LGBTQ+ Myths and Misconceptions

LGBTQ+ Myths and Misconceptions

Tori Douglas on Jun 16th 2023

There is a lot of misinformation about the LGBTQ+ community out in the world even today. Even those within the community might believe a myth or stereotype. Information is the key to understanding and dispelling these harmful myths and stereotypes. Below are a few of the most prevalent and the truth of the matter.

  • Myth: All gay men are feminine and all lesbians are masculine.
  • Truth: People are individuals with individual personalities. There is no certain way to act for people of any sexual orientation. Characteristics like mannerisms or speech patterns cannot be pigeonholed to a certain "kind" of person. There are simply too many individuals in the world to label behaviors as gay or straight.
  • Myth: LGBTQ+ people can be "cured" with therapy.
  • Truth: There is nothing to "cure" in the LGBTQ+ community as a whole. Conversion therapy is dangerous to the mental health of those exposed to the practice. The American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders in 1973. Dysmorphia about body or gender is still diagnosable as mental illness and can be treated with, among other things, gender affirming care.
  • Myth: homosexuality is a choice.
  • Truth: People under the umbrella of the LGBTQ+ community are born that way, to paraphrase Lady Gaga. Genetics and biology play a big part in sexual and gender orientation. No one chooses to be gay, straight, non binary, transgender etcetera. It is a biological characteristic, like eye color or height.
  • Myth: It's all just a phase when young people "come out".
  • Truth: Having questions and doubts about your sexuality is a part of adolescence. This questioning leads to answers, and finding that you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, non binary or any other orientation is valid. Treating this as a phase in their sexuality or gender can be harmful to mental health and sexual self image.
  • The LGBTQ+ community should keep it to themselves and not "flaunt" their sexuality.
  • Truth: Living your life and loving who you love are not "flaunting" your sexuality. Heterosexual and cis gendered people live and love out in the open and it is not seen as anything abnormal. We as a society need to normalize people as people and love as love, no matter the sexual orientation or identity of those involved.
  • Myth: The LGBTQ+ community wants special treatment.
  • Truth: The LGBTQ+ community wants equal rights under the law and to feel safe in the community at large. More than half of transgender and non-binary people do not feel safe walking in their own neighborhoods. This is compared to more than 30% of the LGBTQ+ community not feeling safe walking in their neighborhood. The community wants to live in peace and love who they want to love, just like the heteronormative and cis gendered community.

Myths and stereotypes are damaging. Spreading truth and information is the only way to combat these harmful myths. This Pride month, take the time to learn something new or inform someone of a myth they might falsely believe.

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Library of Congress