Menstrual Health

Menstrual Health

Tori Douglas on Jun 6th 2022

Whether you call it your period, cycle, or a visit from Aunt Flo, most women for most of their lives have been having a monthly reminder of female health. Your period is much more than just an inconvenience. It can be an indicator of overall wellness. Changes in your period can act as an early warning system for a plethora of health issues throughout your body. Keeping track of not only the timing of your menstrual cycle but also your other signs and symptoms throughout the month can be a great early warning system for other health problems. Knowing your body and its rhythms can help you keep as happy and healthy as possible.

First and foremost, your menstrual cycle can act as an indicator of your hormonal health. Factors such as period frequency or body weight can affect hormone levels that contribute not only to the regularity of your period but also how heavy or light your flow is. Weight especially can cause an overproduction of estrogen and cause periods to be especially long and heavy. This elevation in estrogen can also be a cause of certain hormonal changes. Hormonal changes during your menstrual cycle can also cause fluctuations in mood and depression. Mood swings and feeling low are usually a premenstrual symptom, meaning they occur in the days leading up to your period. Tracking your period with tools such as a period tracking app can help you anticipate these mood changes and prepare for them.

Missing a period outside of pregnancy or menopause can be a symptom of either osteoporosis or primary ovarian insufficiency. Osteoporosis is a weakening of your bone mass. This loss could lead to weakness or even breakage of bones. Primary ovarian insufficiency is the loss of ovarian function before perimenopause. Your ovaries do not produce eggs in a regular cycle due to a lack of estrogen production.

Heavy or prolonged periods can be a sign of a few things. These could include fibroids, which are benign masses in the uterus. Heavy periods can also be caused by polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS. As described, this is a problem of having recurring cycles in which one or both ovaries are causing pain in the pelvic area. Heavy bleeding can be a sign of, or even the cause of, anemia. Anemia is when your blood is deficient in iron and cannot carry enough oxygen to your cells and organs. This causes weakness and fatigue.

Spotting between periods can have several causes. It can be a sign of health issues ranging from cancer to chlamydia. Cervical, endometrial, or ovarian cancer can all cause spotting between periods. Sexually transmitted infections or yeast infections may also cause spotting.

It is important to your overall health to notice and record any irregularities or changes. You know your body best! With any health issues, consult your health care provider as quickly as possible if you are experiencing any out of the ordinary menstrual symptoms. Early detection of health issues is often key in successful treatment . Take your period health into your own hands to help keep track of any signs of underlying health problems.

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