Prostate Stimulation

Prostate Stimulation

Tori Douglas on Nov 21st 2023

For prostate owners, there are many advantages to prostate stimulation. Not the least of these benefits is an orgasm, but there are also health benefits as well. Whether for health or sex reasons, prostate stimulation is a great technique to try out on yourself or a partner.

The prostate is a small organ at the base of the urethra between the bladder and penis and in front of the rectum. It helps produce some of the fluid found in semen. It has many nerves, making it sensitive to stimulation.

Prostate stimulation to orgasm can be prescribed for prostatitis. This is prostate inflammation. An orgasm can relieve the pressure in the prostate and help reduce this inflammation.

Beyond medical reasons for prostate stimulation, prostate orgasm is very pleasurable. You can stimulate the prostate through penetration or through the perineum. You can use a finger, penis, or toy to stimulate the prostate through penetration. Perineum massage can use a finger or a toy. The perineum is located between the scrotum and the anus. Perineum stimulation can be paired with manual penis stimulation or oral sex. This gives a more intense orgasm with the combination of penile and prostate stimulation.

Starting out you may want to begin with perineum stimulation. This will give you or your partner an idea of how prostate stimulation feels and how a prostate orgasm is different from a penile one. You might then work up to penetrative stimulation. Go slowly and use lots of lubrication. Start with a finger, moving slowly, and work up to a penis or sex toy. Many couples may enjoy penetration with a penis or "pegging" with a strap on toy. You or your partner may want to start this exploration with their own finger so they can go at their own pace, especially for beginners.

Achieving a prostate orgasm takes patience and practice, so be ready to play and explore yourself or your partner. As with all things sexual, communication is key. Be ready to talk and or listen to what your partner is thinking or feeling about the process. Be open and honest about how it feels to each of you and adjust your technique accordingly. Remember, especially in the beginning, that there may be some discomfort with penetration but not pain. Slow with lots of lubrication is important.

For any type of penetration, you may want to shower or even use an enema to get clean and ready for action. You may even want to shower with your partner to help set the mood and have that extra time together. Being aroused before you try prostate stimulation will usually help you relax and enjoy the ride.

A cautionary note here. Anything that is going to be used as a prostate stimulation device MUST have a base or flange on it. There are sphincters that will hold the device and pull it in to the rectum. You want to be sure you are adequately protected with a proper base. If not, many times those items must be medically removed. Sex toys are specifically designed with well fitting and a variety of bases and are designed to properly reach the prostate. It is recommended that you use a toy of high quality materials and design for the best experience. 

Prostate stimulation can be intimidating for the giver and the recipient at first. If you take the time to explore it, it can be beneficial to your sexual health and sex life. So get to know yourself or your partner and see if it fits in your sexual repertoire.

Cleveland Clinic

Web MD
